Anita Jo Intenzo
     Entrepreneur, PAST IMAGES BY

The Paranormal

People around the world love a ghost story.  Television shows about ghost hunting and feature movies like Poltergiest and Paranormal Activity remain extremely popular.

Anita has been intrigued by the spirit world for many years.  In her profession of restoring antique dolls, photos and art, she incorporates the past into the present.  The people in the photos, the first owners of the dolls and the subjects of the artwork are all in her mind as she works. 

In 2009, when Anita became Executrix of her deceased friend's estate, her world collided head-on with the paranormal.  Suddenly, things that she'd only seen or heard about on TV or in the movies, or read in a book, became real and were happening to her.  Was she going crazy or was all the activity real?

Anita's life would never be the same and she was so affected by the happenings that she put them into a book titled, Estate of Horror.  She is working with her literary agent to publish the book, to share her fascinating, and often terrifying, story.  Visit Anita's contact page if you'd like to get more information about her story and book, or sign up to get email news and updates.  Happy haunts!

Share your stories of the paranormal with Anita

Contact Anita at Past Images By Anita   
Share your story of the paranormal with Anita!
Have YOU seen a ghost?  Anita has documented her experiences with the paranormal in her book, Estate of Horror, and now she's inviting you to share yours.  Please use the Guestbook to add your story, or email it to Anita at 

Read Anita's popular weekly blogs on her page:
where she writes about all things supernatural and shares her paranormal life. Enjoy!